Reduced Distraction Testing Accommodations

Reduced-Distraction Testing Accommodations

The following resources are available for students who require a reduced-distraction testing environment. 


Distraction-Reduced Seating

Each of the CBTF labs is equipped with seats that meet ADA requirements to provide a reduced-distraction testing environment. To reserve these seats, it is necessary to have submitted a letter of accommodations stating the need for a reduced-distraction testing environment. This ensures that we can appropriately cater to the specific needs of students seeking an environment conducive to their optimal focus and concentration during exams.

Distraction-reduced seating in Grainger 057



Noise-Canceling Earmuffs

For students who require a distraction-reduced testing environment, noise-canceling earmuffs are available upon request from the proctor after completing the check-in process.


Background Noise

The computers in the distraction-reduced seating area are equipped with a selection of background noise and music files to facilitate a focused testing environment. To access these sound files, please click on the desktop shortcut depicted to the right of the screen. These options aim to provide customizable ambient sounds that may enhance concentration and minimize external distractions during your exam.

Each track is about 1 hour long. Make the media player full-screen if you want to set a track to repeat.

Click here to see what sound files are available.