
PrairieLearn Accessibility

PraireLearn is committed to making sure all users can have an equitable experience.  You can find more information about PrairieLearn's accessibility information here.

Known Accessibility Concerns

The following issues have been identified by Technology services as having the potential to impact a  user's ability to interact with PrairieLearn.  We have provided suggestions for accommodations that faculty could make to support students who experience the issues outlined below.

Issues Related to Vision and Perception of Color

Some aspects of PrairieLearn have insufficient levels of contrast or focus indicators.

If students experience difficulties related to this issue, the following steps can be taken.

  • Increase the zoom of the screen
  • Utilize a screen reader
  • Provide an equivalent paper copy of the content

Issues Related to Focus Order

When using the keyboard to navigate through PrairieLearn, some students might experience frustration because the order of focus does not always follow a linear pattern.

If students experience difficulties related to this issue, the following steps can be taken.

  • Provide training to students about how to navigate PrairieLearn using a keyboard
  • Assign course staff to provide support in navigating PrairieLearn

Reporting Additional Issue

While using PrairieLearn, if you identify additional issues, please contact  We will report issues to the PraireLearn development team to resolve the issue and can also support you in developing alternative options for your students until the issue is resolved.